"I believe, the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history if the human race is parasites. I realize that is a pretty brave statement, but it is based on my 20 years of experience with more than 20,000 patients."
Click here to read about how brain-infecting parasites may be more common in USA than experts thought.![]() Reported by Live Science News |
The North American Parasite Problem
(For Both Humans & Pets)
One would think that unhealthy organisms in North America would be rare, because the food supplies would be relatively free from parasites that could cause infections in humans. North Americans have a better level of hygiene and more thorough cooking of our foods. However, the fact is that certain parasitic diseases in North America are just as common as in many third world countries.
Everything you eat, drink, or handle could be inviting unwanted guests to set up home inside your body. Most people do not want to even think of the possibility of it being true, but it is the reality of the world in which we live in. Harmful organisms affect billions of people worldwide of all races and demographic regions. It's estimated that more than 150 million Americans alone may have these invaders lurking within their bodies without even knowing it!
Conservatively, it's estimated that 85% of the population may have some form of parasite lurking in their bodies! These intruders live in and feed off the host, depriving them of vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids; altering natural pH levels, decreasing energy levels, and creating an acidic environment within the body. Purify aids the body in helping to create an inhospitable environment for these harmful invaders.
Compromised health may be a direct result of parasite infestation in our bodies. These invaders live off our body's life-force and the sustenance that we ingest. In addition to a loss of nourishment and cellular damage, the toxicities produced by these creatures play havoc with our immune system and degrade the optimum health of their host. Sickness, disease, and numerous health challenges can be the direct resultant of continued exposure and infestation. But unhealthy organisms can be safely eliminated from the human body.
What exactly is a parasite? A parasitical organism is a life form that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasites live a parallel life inside our bodies - feeding off either our own energy, our own cells or the food we eat, and even feeding off the health supplements we use. In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of invading organism living in their bodies. Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%.
Click here to read about how a student narrowly avoided blindness following a gruesome eye infection. Parasite grew on dirty contact lens and ate through her eye.![]() Reported by New York Daily News |
The immediate question that comes to mind when people are informed of this situation is: How can a parasite possibly live in my body and I don't even know it is there? The answer to this is simple. The purpose of a parasitical organism is to not make itself known. A smart invader lives without being detected because if it is detected, of course, something is going to be done to eradicate it. If you think these organisms are stupid, think again. They are highly intelligent invaders. Not intelligent in the same way humans are, but they are intelligent in their ability to survive and reproduce, which is of course, the purpose of any life form on the planet.
Harmful organisms live everywhere and are commonly transmitted to humans in diverse ways, such as insect bites, walking barefoot, handling objects, human contact, animal contact, water, fruits & vegetables, eating under-cooked meats and fish, and numerous other ways. Government inspectors simply do not inspect most of the animals that go through the slaughterhouse, but rather a sampling is done. What about salads, or even raw fruits and vegetables? Eating raw foods always increases the risk of invaders. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), illnesses linked with fruits and vegetables are on the rise. One reason could be the increased demand for fresh produce. We now import 30 billion tons of food a year into this country. Some of the produce comes from developing nations where sanitation facilities are less advanced or they commonly practice the use of human feces as fertilizer (night soil). The further products travel, the more likely they will pick up illness-causing microbes. It also increases the chance of being contaminated by infected food handlers. Food handlers have been in the news lately because of their role in the spread of parasites. Some people who prepare food, as well as the general population do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. When you consider that many of the unhealthy organisms are spread by fecal-oral contact, this lack of personal hygiene may be one of the more common factors in the spread of these invaders. Consider everything that you touch that is handled by others; money, shopping carts, door handles, menus, salt shakers, and everything else -- the possibilities for contamination are enormous.
In spite of some efforts to control parasites, their global impact has not been appreciably reduced for a variety of reasons. Why are parasitic infections among the world's greatest neglected situation? The illusion is that it simply can't be happening... because no one is really talking about it. You don't hear the newspapers and television stations reporting it enough. You don't see people asking for larger donations to research the effects of invading organisms. When a topic is rarely discussed, who is going to take it seriously?
Funding is very low for any research into this area, even if harmful organisms are the considered by some health professionals to be the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of the human race. We potentially have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States, even if it is not being properly addressed. It takes an informed person to take charge of the health of their own body. Research the facts and with an adequate cleansing regime, the effects of exposure and the continued reinfection prevalent in the course of our lifetimes, can be minimized and brought under control - resulting in perhaps reduced illness and disease in our lives.
Almost everyone has parasites. It's simply a fact of life. Even Dr. Oz, the now famous Oprah Winfrey guest says..."ninety percent of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime." Parasites are not just something that other people get in developing countries. Everywhere we go, during just about everything we do, North Americans are potentially vulnerable to parasitic infestation.
If you are not convinced that intestinal parasites are real, check out the recent image of Oprah and Dr. Oz holding "wormzilla," a human intestinal tapeworm.
A parasite is an organism that lives off the life force of another organism, such as an animal or a human. Parasites eat the food that we eat, excrete in our system, and can also travel throughout our body. While there are over 3000 varieties of parasites, they basically fall into two major groups: protozoa and worms. Protozoa are single-celled parasites. When ingested, they germinate, reproduce and can cause havoc within our bodies. Worms come in all sizes, from thread worms, measuring less than one centimeter, to tapeworms up to 12 meters in length. Once inside our bodies, their presence could greatly add to the degradation of our overall health.
If you are like most people, you will be surprised and at the same time horrified as you witness the results. The thought that other life forms are living inside of our bodies sounds more a science fiction movie, but the reality of the fact is that for most people, a myriad of parasitical creatures call our bodies (and our pet's bodies) home.
Some people call parasites the "great masqueraders". Many types are so well adapted to living in their human host that no obvious symptoms are presented. When you last saw your physician for an illness, did anyone ask you what you ate or if you had a preference for rare steak? Did they ask you about your recent travel plans to other countries? Did anyone event hint that the real cause of your health challenges might be related to parasites? According to the American Medical Association, physicians only correctly diagnose a disease 16 percent of the time; that's one out of six. The average medical laboratory is lucky to correctly diagnose specific parasites 20 percent of the time. Is there any wonder a physician might not connect symptoms, especially vague ones, to parasites?
The longer a parasites is in the human body, the more likely there will be some damage, depending upon the target site of infection. If the parasite is in the intestinal tract, one of the things that the body will do is to produce more mucus to protect the intestinal cells. Unfortunately, this coating interferes with digestion, leading to the mal-absorption of important nutrients, particularly fats and fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and E. As the parasites continue to flourish, they take more nutrition and leave us malnourished.
Part of detecting the presence of a parasite in the body is being able to read the body's signals and how to interpret them. Maybe you have not been paying enough attention to your symptoms, or you think that something else is causing the problem. It is amazing that so many people think that having chronic problems and other "vague" symptoms are just something you have to live with. Parasitic-related symptoms can come from anywhere in the body because they can reside almost anywhere. No organ or tissue is immune from possible infestation or from their toxic waste products.
Click here to read the startling report of a woman diagnosed with a worm in her brain.![]() Reported by ABC News |
ABC World News Tonight reported: "Most health problems are caused by unhealthy organisms". In numerous studies the alarming report has been revealed that this problem is more prevalent than many had anticipated. In response to this news, many informed individuals and health care practitioners have been utilizing the age-old usage of herbal solutions to combat this threat. Cleanse FX has become the selected choice by many to become part of their normal daily dietary program.
Click here to read about the CDC warns of common parasites plaguing millions in U.S.![]() Reported by the Associated Press |
There are hundreds of species of parasites, yet today's common medical screening procedures normally only test to identify only a few! There are two major categories of parasites: large parasites, which are primarily worms, and small parasites. Because of their microscopic size, they can burrow into the muscle, bones, or joints. Some of them may feed off the calcium linings of the bones or even the protein coating on your nerves, which can disrupt the nerve impulses to the brain. Parasites also secrete toxins, generating toxic build-up and stressing the immune system.
Click here to read about the death of a boy from an amoeba while swimming in a lake in Florida.![]() Reported by CNN |
It is important to understand that as long as we live on this planet, there is an ever-present risk of exposure to unhealthy organisms. A natural parasite cleanse dietary supplement program can help you to counteract some of that exposure.
"Other prominent physicians agree with me; that in human history, the parasite challenge is likely the most unrecognized of all endemic problems. Because they cannot be seen and rarely present immediate symptoms, they remain invisible as a cause or contributing factor to what can be a serious disorder."
- Dr. Ross Andersen, N.D.
"We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States. It is just not being addressed."
- Dr. Peter Wina, Chief of the Patho-Biology in the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1991.
"In terms of numbers there are more parasitic infections acquired in this country than in Africa."
- Dr. Frank Nova, Chief of the Laboratory for Parasitic Diseases of the National Institute of Health.
"It is well documented that parasites will cause malnutrition by using the nutrients a victim consumes - making them unavailable for the infected person. It makes sense to use a safe reliable parasite cleanse in any chronic health challenge to ensure that you are not feeding someone else instead of yourself."
- Dr. Ross Andersen, N.D.
"Most individuals would be truly amazed if they knew the extraordinarily high number of Americans who are unknowingly infected by parasites."
- Dr. Hermann R. Bueno, Specialist in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Parasitic infestations may promote compromised health in their hosts. Parasites live off our body's life-force and the sustenance that we ingest. In addition to a loss of nourishment and cellular damage, the toxicities produced by these creatures play havoc with our immune system and degrade the optimum health of their host.
You probably have never seen a parasite. So, why would you worry about them? Since we have good sanitation, how could we possibly have parasites? The World Health Organization categorizes parasites as among the six most harmful afflictions that infect humans. The magnitude of these infections is absolutely staggering. You may think that such polluted conditions do not exist in the United States, but you would be wrong. Most people think that parasitic infections only occur in distant parts of the world such as impoverished rural areas in the third-world countries, or in the tropics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because of this misconception, many people have overlooked the possibility of parasites as being present in their own bodies. Most people recognize the names of parasites such as tapeworms and pinworms, but they are completely unaware of the variety and quantity present in the population as a whole. These potentially harmful parasites, and their affects, are increasingly prevalent in the United States. Parasites should be an important part of every medical evaluation in the care of their patients.
The August 2000 edition of Discover magazine published a headline article on parasites. Selected excerpts are reproduced below:
“Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more.
Parasites have largely been neglected. Scientists have treated them with indifference, even contempt, viewing them as essentially hitchhikers on life's road. But recent research reveals that parasites are remarkably sophisticated and tenacious. Some castrate their hosts and take over their minds. Others completely shut down the immune systems of their hosts.
Scientists are only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world.
The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing.
We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals— an organism like a parasite— then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites."
View the Parasite Picture Gallery below, to learn more about parasites, harmful organisms, and other unwanted guests.